WELL Over 72% of all
This results in OVER
$1.2 Trillion annual
worldwide LOSSEs.
70% Failure rate for digital transformation initiatives
74% Failure rate for business transformation initiatives
71% Failure rate for technology transformation initiatives
Why is this failure rate important to know? Well, were you aware that 88% of the Fortune 500 companies from 1955 are no longer on the 2016 Fortune 500 list? That's right, only 12% of these Fortune 500 companies survived the chaotic forces of disruption from marketplace competitors.
The 12% that survived mastered the art & science of digital business technology innovation via CAP -based practices that enable transformation practices to work in tandem synergistically with operational execution.
How likely then is it for your organization to survive the forces of disruption and grow over the long-term without a strong ability to both innovate and operate simultaneously?
Discover the hidden modes of organizational culture
Discover the hidden risks of modern approaches
Discover the hidden dynamics of influential people
While many companies recognize the need for innovation and transformation to keep pace with competitors and technological progress, they all too often fail to see the need to prepare for the journey of transformational change.
To do so, you must first understand the hidden blockers (anti-patterns) of change and their respective enablers (antidotes) in the domains of Culture, Approach, & People (CAP) .
As a result, most mission-critical innovation and transformation initiatives fail even before their started because leadership is unaware of the blockers (anti-patterns) and the respective enablers (antidotes) that grease the skids of success.
The Solution?
First, companies initiating transformation initiatives must become aware of the 24+ hidden blockers (anti-patterns) in three categories:
The hidden modes of culture (C) that affect the organization's ability to lead change
The hidden risks of modern approaches (A) that affect the organization's ability to execute change
The hidden dynamics of influential people (P) that affect the organization's perception of change
Together, these three categories of blockers (anti-patterns) comprise CAPstone Strategy™.
Second, they need to become familiarized with 24+ enablers (antidotes) before initiating transformation.
Third, they need to become proficient by practicing the implementation of these enablers (antidotes) with an experienced coach.
As the management consultant Peter Drucker once said: "Culture Eats Strategy Over Breakfast" whereas
CAPstone Strategy™ Unleashes Results Over Lunch!
More than 27+ years of research has revealed that the root causes of all this failure are linked to the following 24+ blockers (anti-patterns).
Fortunately, over 27+ years of research & practice demonstrates that the 72% failure rate for digital business technology transformation initiatives can be elevated to over 90% success with practice-based
enablers (anti-dotes) that mitigate these 24+ blockers (anti-patterns).
There are three primary macro-level blockers (anti-patterns):
1) The Modal Singularity Blocker (MSB) - Culture
2) The Internal-Architecture Blocker (IAB) - Approach
3) The Pseudo-Team Blocker (PTB) - People
The enablers (antidotes) for these blockers (anti-patterns) are:
1) The Multi-Modal Enabler™ (MME)
2) The External-Architecture Enabler™ (EAE)
3) The Right-Sized Team Enabler™ (RTE)
The CAPstone Strategy™ system focuses on remediation of these three foundational blockers (anti-patterns), one from each of the three CAP categories in conjunction with the other 24+ blockers (anti-patterns). This unique and proprietary system unleashes innovation and transformation success with unprecedented results!
By mitigating the 24+ blockers (anti-patterns) described above with the practice-based enablers (antidotes), an organization can elevate its average success rate of mission-critical transformation initiatives from the dismal worldwide average 72% failure rate to over 90% success in order to achieve 2x Innovation, 4x Velocity, & 10x ROI.
Juan O., CEO
TSO Mobile
Jonathan is a true expert in his field. We were able to reach our goal in a fraction of the time & cost thanks to his great guidance. I highly recommend Jonathan.
Alex K., CTO
Recovery Partners, Inc.
Jonathan was able to provide a business architecture solution that is allowing us to move forward, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars...
Steve M., CEO
Recovery Partners Inc.
Jonathan does great work and excels at designing solutions which are truly unique. Jonathan was a huge asset to our team.
Our highly experienced team in conjunction with our strategic partners have more than 300+ years of combined experience in helping business leaders transform and deliver strategic mission-critical initiatives successfully the first-time. Our proprietary system known as CAPstone Strategy™ overcomes these 24+ pitfalls that hinder success.
Contact us today to engage an expert guide (master architect) to learn how to mitigate these pitfalls (anti-patterns) with proprietary safeguards (antidotes), capable of unleashing:
2x Innovation, 4x Velocity, & 10x ROI.