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Specializing in

 Build Your Dream Team!

>>  Quickly and reliably help your teams reach higher levels of proficiency with pragmatic workshops, certifications, and coaching.

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Are your upskilling capabilities limited to online courses?  We offer a variety of master-level workshops that help your internal teams to grow.  JSMC has also innovated a  2.0  approach to streamline your upskilling retainer goals.

Training:  EA-EPM Standup

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Enterprise Architecture-Enterprise Performance Management (EA-EPM) Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

EA-EPM Standup Workshop (1-Hour)
Training:  EA

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Enterprise Architecture (EA) Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

EA Workshop (1-Day)
Business conference
Training:  EBA

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

EBA Workshop (.5-Day)
Training:  EPM

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

EPM Workshop (.5-Day)
Training:  FEL

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Front End Loading (FEL) Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

FEL Workshop (1-Day)
Training:  ESA

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Enterprise Solution Architecture (ESA) Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

Business Meeting at Small Table
ESA Workshop (5-Days)
Work Presentation
Training:  Executive Sponsor 

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new Executive Sponsor Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

Executive Sponsor Workshop (1-Day)
Training:  CAPstone Strategy™

via  CAPstone Strategy™ 

Contact us to learn more about JSMC's nextgen 2.0 approach for establishing a new CAPstone Strategy™ Center of Excellence (CoE). This training is provided in three formats: seminars, workshops, and primers, and is targeted for executive teams, middle management, or program and project teams.

CAPstone Strategy™ Workshop (3-Days)
office space

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